Saya x pndai luah dgn kata2...sbb humans hve dffrnt way of communicating... Saya x pndai luah dgn nyanyian..sbb saya x thu bwt lagu.. Saya x pndai luah dgn lakonan..sbb saya mmg x pndai blakon... Saya cma pndai luah dgn blogging..sbb by typing, i speak with the words of my heart..
~Renungan Qeeta~
Friday, December 23, 2011
LR's greetings~!
Hye folks! wahhhhh! i miss blogging sooo muchy muchy much!
and hell yeah i almost lose the sense of blogging... i seriously dun know what to write..what to talk about..or watever..
but after i read all ur messages, OMG! im touched!
seyh! sejak bila LR pndai touching neh?? fuhh~ pndai jdi soft sda..
BTW...LR juz wanna say---tanx for the compliment..though i know my blog isnt really tat nice..n my posts arent so..errr... eye-catching.. ( yea! tats da word! -- i thnk.. 0.o ) but...after readng all of it.... i dun know wat to say.. ( seyh! cam artis jak ) ehehehe~ x la..LR juz wanna say thank u bcoz yall mw jga tgk2 blog LR yg x sbrapa neh.. =P
ow yea....LR bkn x mw promote....but,,,,i dun thnk it fit to b promoted......yet!
as u see..i may have tis blog since, long time ago..but...the fact is im still new..i still not good enough in blogging..since i always been bz..u know...SCHOOL...
But! as yall know...( i dun thnk u know ) SPM last on 14th Dec...soooo.... i am now "Lepasan Spm"!!!!!
fuhh! its really really really really really really really really ( tggu la smpai besok..x hbs jga neh.. =.=! ) LR pn x tw la..just, I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! well...not free like Natalia Kills's Free...just... MERDEKA!!!!!! muahahaha! evil laugh!
so----i got a lot of time to do watever i wanna do bfore..
so...i got a lot of time to do blogging..well..yall think??/
if tats wat yall think, ure wrong..bcoz.......
UNFORTUNATELY... i am anxious thinkin tat i wont get school allowance, during holiday, NO MONEY!!!! like,,,no money???? no way! cmana mw jalan2 lw xda money kan?? oh no!
so! i ask for a job from my she gave me--- help her bake her cakes for her i immediately agree..
well...what do u know?? i am definitely am tired! like,working with no limits?? who can survive tat??? however,,,,,,with the recipe of patience + sincerity + niat kerana Allah = i survive!!!! least for these days..I'll try though...buuuuttttt...i was actually like Cinderella..seriously..but...mayb i felt that becoZ im not sincere enough to do all those chores..ho ho ho! watever long as i done it..
so...i wont have much time to blog.. sad..
ow yea..not only tat i work for tis half-month holiday...but~~~ on 2nd Jan 2012, i will have to fly all da way to Beranang, Selangor...for what?? wat do u think?? ofkos its PLKN! huhuy..
im not tat sure wat to feel...i wanna feel happy..but i got a lot of things to thnk n lots of probs to, my to live and all tat..duiy..since i dun have a phone anymore..hmm.. ( tat i'll tell yall later ) girls werent selected for plkn..wuwuuu~
so...................( byk jga 'so' dr td )
conclusion = i am very the busy..well not really..but dun really have time for blogging....but i sincerely thank u guys for visiting my blog n willing to share yall opinion & also read my posts..thank you!!!
so...( again.. =.="" tis is my new favourite word people..remember tis.. =.=! )
tats all i wanna say..
Too much talkin makes me hungry.. =.=
Monday, November 7, 2011
latest about LR
hye back...but not for long..
lma da x ley bwt..x smpat... (bfacebook smpat plak! =.=!)
so.. LR bru pndah rmah..d laya2 far so good..
kmarin brabis kmas rmh..pnat! skit2 kaki g ney..
then SPM tggl 6 days more..n im still here makin an entry... =.="
tats a big day right????
but dont i hve feelings for tis?? 0.o?? some friendship wit Mr.Oren... =D ngeeeee~
cant story byk2..its still..under some circumstances,still not sure.. XD
pa sa ckp neyh??
erm...apa pun..LR syg dya..
cma x pasti ptt or x kwn ngan dya..
tah la npa ley tpikir g2...but its made me bwt solat istikharah..
2x mc x taw..hmm..xpa..usaha tngga kjayaan..
chow lu...
gotta pack thngs blk rmh..=)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Ceritera kosong..
fuhh!! hye folks!! readers..ladies...n gentlemen...( IF yall are gentle..)
lma sda x isi blog kan...apa ley bwt...LR cbuk lorh..
byk taw crta2 yg mw share ney...
as "Pak" Man said, sharing is caring...
pdhal crta bkn siyok puwn..hohoho~
btw,ary ney...ermm....x ley describe..
tadi ada meeting..then LR muntah..duiyna!!!
kin malu jak...msti bida habis muka masa tuh...
erm...taw apa bida??? bida is hodoh..hodoh is ugly...ugly is not it??? XD
then masa balik tadi jalan ma yana,her mother n her mother pnya kawan...
best la..mcm boss2 jak duk d keta dya..syok la keta tuh..
pastuh p rmah kwn mum yana! lw la my hse cam tuh..fuhh!!!
btw...malas la mw type pnjg2...x byk masa ney..
da la kna sound sbb result mnurun...SANGAT SANGAT menurun...
so frustrating..hohoho~
cyan jak ngan parents..
hope i can do the best la SPM neyh...
hrp2 x la mmalukan dorg...amin~
kay la...assalamua'laikum...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
he's this world..n tat's all he knows..he'll be strong..he'll be wrong..oh and life goes on..oh he's just a boy...who's tryng to find a place in this world..
Friday, September 9, 2011
[ 150 juta kali by Fynn Jamal ]
Untuk kali keseratus lima puluh juta
Mereka tanyakan engkau soalan yang sama
“Eh kenapa kau masih lagi mahukan dia?”
“Apa kau buta, apa kau pura-pura suka”
Di seratus lima puluh juta kali itu
Di depan semua engkau tarik tangan aku
Yang sedang buat muka kosong tak ambil tahu
Sambil ketawa engkau bilang satu per satu
“Dia mungkin bengis seperti singa”
“Tapi dia nangis tonton cerita Korea”
“Dia mungkin keras bila bersuara”
“Tapi dia jelas, jujur apa adanya”
“Aku lagi kenal dia”
Dah lebih seratus lima puluh juta kali
Aku pesan padamu apa yang bakal jadi
Engkau dan aku ada mungkin tidak serasi
Engkau sangat manis, aku ini pula dawai besi
Di setiap seratus lima puluh jutanya
Aku pun dalam hati semacam tak percaya
Apa kau lihat pada aku jujurkan saja
Terus kau cubit dagu aku, sambil berkata
“sayang mungkin baran tak kira masa
tapi sayang tahan kalau yang salah saya
sayang mungkin saja keras kepala
tapi sayang manja bila kita berdua–
saya kenal sayang saya”
Buat apa dicerita
Bahagia kita rasa
Biar tak dipercaya
Peduli orang kata
Baju ronyok tak apa
Asal pakai selesa
Berkilau tak bermakna
Kalau hati tak ada
Aku lebih bengis dari sang naga
Tapi bisa nangis semata demi cinta
Suaraku keras tak berbahasa
Kerna aku rimas gedik mengada-ngada
Aku mudah baran tidak semena
Mana boleh tahan angin cemburu buta
Dan aku sengaja tunjuk keras kepala
Aku punya manja, kau saja boleh rasa
Rahsia kita berdua..
The End!
Monday, August 29, 2011
(eyh...hlg sda slang smnnjg..XD)
(cam la skrg x..)
my dreams yg bkaitan gitar neyh...--is to have my own guitar..--to know how to play...n can play any songs i like on my own..--to play tat guitar to some1 i want to play to..--to have some1 to play guitar for me...
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Ustaz lagi~ Its worth to smile!!! ^^
k..Cik nak cite..
pasai ustaz ney...
cdey la Cik ngan dya..
dah dye jat ngan Cik kan..
pastuh...Cik nak bebaik ngan dye...dya jat ar plak agy ngan Cik..
dya ckp..klaw org jht ngan dye..dya pn jht ngan org..
bli mase Cik ade bwt salah ngan dye??
Cik dah tanye dye tuh yg xnak jwb..
plik Cik.. =(
so sad~
lpas tuh..skrg ney..dya asyik bg kne Cik je..
Cik asyik bg respon baek syum je..(konon ar..sakit jgak taw!)...
dya plak asyik bg respon like mrh2 cam cdey2 g2..muram2..
errrr~ down jugak la Cik..
tp xpe la..
bwt pe la nak cdey2 d ary yg special ney kan...
last day pose..
lgpun,siape jugak la Cik ney nak dye layan Cik bek2..
nanti lpas raya bru Cik cdey..
sbb sok x ley kte cdey2 kan??
ary ney pn mne boley cdey..special day tawu??
so SMILE!!!! =D
penat dah pakse senyum ney..
penat dah asyik mengalah..
tapi xpe..its worth it..
cube lagi! ^^
tats all..
Dedicated by Ue! =D
ny Cik nak kongsi stu lagu..
haaaa~ lagu ney kompom kome sume tak suke..
(hek eleh..tiba2 ckp slang org smnnjg..deee~ )
tp Cik syg lgu ney..
taw pasai pa?
lagu ney ustaz dedicate tuk Cik..
=D ngeeeeeeee~
sukenye Cik!!!
ye arr...dah dye mrh kat Cik..Cik remove arr dye..
dah tuh...dya post kat wall Cik lgu ney..
ngehehehe~ sweet kan??!!! [^^]
sygnye ngan kwn Cik sorg neyh... XD
ngeeeee~ love our friendship!
tp mmg lucu arr bnde ney..
nak taw nape??
sbb he called me lady rock...WAHHH~~
sungguh....errr....ape nak ckp eyh? sangat....
sangat.....deeeeee~ =.="""
ade pulak Cik jadi Lady Rock..
tp xpa...kenangan tuh gelaran tuh... =D ahahahaha~
ouw yea..Cik ade ckp kome sume kompom x sukenye lagu ney kan..
nak taw nape??
dgr arr dlu.. ^^
suke?? x suke kan??
Cik tw nape..
sbb dye lgu rock..
bg Cik, lgu ney rock sgt..sgt2x..
cam x ngam je ngan Cik kan..
but who cares?? dah Cik ny Lady Rock..XD XD XD
lgpun..cube kome hayati n fahami lirik lagu tuh..
kan syok jgak! mmg msg dye dri lirik lagu tuh..bkn dari title..bkn dri lgu's from its lyrics.. =D
valuable kan?? sbb dye meaningful..
eyh! tah btul ke x Cik ckp tuh..
tp xpe arr.."ade aku kesah?"
ehehehe~ =)
tuh je la Cik nak share ary ney..
len kali lagi kay..
Cik nak lipat kain..
tetibe rajin lak Cik ary ny...
kah4x! deeee~ siap cci kain smue tuh lgi..
huhu~ biase arr..dah buat dose byk..msti nak tbus blk...
ow yea..dgn tuh..cne Cik nak cakap..
trime? x trime??
kut suke hati korang la..
sbb tuh je yg Cik mmpu nak ckp..
Saturday, August 27, 2011
2 ue~ =D
Friday, August 26, 2011
Sinning day..
tday kan..
kmi phimpunan..then smua ckgu pn ekt pggl smua tkut spotcheck..
pnya panic td..adoiyai..suda la me jadi budak nakal ary ney...hp dua2 pn bwa..
klam kabut wooo~ ahahaha! pgalaman!
then ceramah pasal palestin..pnya ngantuk..
then kelas..ckgu chew,ustazah nor'aini n ckgu hindon masuk..
tp xda bljr..ahahaha!
pas abs klas,tggu d pndok..tggu abah tiyah..ahaha!
smpat lae crta2 ngan org2 d pndok tyme tuh..
then p wisma..cri bju..tiyah jak ada bli..mahal tul bju tuh..sabar jak la~
me x jdi bli d sna..cri d cp jak..
me p cp..sndri...tiyah balik..
then tyme smpai cp p kdai bju jap then p rlod..
after rlod tz ada dak tuh ekt2 me..pnya kin tkut..
then tggu la adri..tuz p bli tiket..
kmi tgk CARS 3D.. hehehe~
pas bli tiket tuh..tkar bju dlu..ngehehehe~
tjmpa dorg arni n jana! kah4x! abs kna kc maen..
then kitorang p tgk2 bli 1..ehehehe!
truz p wayg..pnya lucu! engtkan wayg dya tba2 ada THE TOYS + BARBIE maen..kejut kmi joe! engtkan slh pggg wayg..
tgk2 IKLAN!!! ahahaha~ aiseymen..
tuz tgk crta tuh..FUHH!!! mantap la! mang best! siyukkk~ cma spek tuh jak kacaw..brair bha mata..adoiy..
then p bka posa ngan mahadi, his uncle Alek walker..n massy..
then pas mamam...mahadi p smbyg..then p kmi p x lma pas 2 dorg dtg..x jdi men bowling..ggrrr~ cne la pat dosa aq mningkat..adesss!!!
then mum n dad dtg..BALIK~
kui3..tuh la carta pjlnn ary ney..tuh pn kasi kurang huraian..lw x..smpai bsuk pn kmu x abs bca..XD XD XD
k..tuh jak arr..
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Mission Accomplished!!!
Well..Well..Well... mission ACCOMPLISHED!!!
gne...dlu kan aq pok c lolipop tuh surely xkan ska aq lgi..
bcoz cnta zaman remaja neyh kan isnt real..
n i knw its only for a matter of tyme..
yeah! i know!
n i told him edy..i said one day he wont lve my nymore..
n i was rght!
N tday i proved it... ^^ did felt sad when we lost sme1 who loves us..
but i dun mind..
i still have the ones whom i love n love me.. wont bother if i lose him..
it wont bother if he thnks im a bad girl or a negative kind of person..
as long as my bestfriends n my famy dun..
it wont bother if he doesnt lve me nymore..
as long as my bestfriends n my famy still lve me..
it wont bother if he doesnt talk to me nymore..
as long as my bestfriends and my famy still talk to me..
but it'll bother if he still syg me but my bestfriends n famy dun.. =(
hahahahaha~ good bye lolipop!
i knew tis would've happen..
huhu~ but he wont listen..
good thng i ddnt buy it..huh!
what if i did n he left me jz like tat??! i'll be in trouble...
but i DIDNT!!
he's gone?? its okey...
i'll live..
but if my bestfriends gone???
man i wont live!
if my famy gone??
burhh!!! tat would be worst..
hoping they'll stay..
not like how lolipop is...
who are they??
them la...ahahahhaa!
those who's my matter boys or girls..
i hope u guys wll stay..
sry if i dd anythng wrng 2 yall..
but i wan yall 2 knw, i ddnt mean it..
except ue...kah4x! well...lope u jua la...but onny as frend...ngehehehehe~
tats all 4 tday..
Friday, August 19, 2011
we're talkin bout love!
love! love! love!
any1 knows what is love???
love is cinta..
uisey~ ada la plak kan..
but its true u knw???
LOVE is cinta also kasih sayang...
Definisi cinta boleh dpt dr Tentang Cinta.. there's much mre there..
adakah cinta tuh sama ngan couple???
adakah couple tuh ertinya cinta???
Then knapa rmai org mggunakan cnta tuh sbgai lesen utk bcouple???
adakah Allah benarkan kta bcouple???
X kan???
& knapa org mggunakan couple tuh utk mdapatkan cinta???
smua itu adalah TIPU!!! cnta palsu!!
percayalah..tis day u'll say "KAMI CINTA MATI".."AQ CINTA DYA SELAMANYA"..
the next day, week or month later..u'll say "AHH!! AQ PALING BNCI LA PEREMPUAN TU!",,,"DYA LA LLAKI PALING X GUNA DDNIA NEY"..
n u fght 4 it like it was ur ONE & ONLY life..
sdangkan Allah bg kta hdp bkn smata2 utk cnta..isnt it??
Love... is ~Kata cinta dalam Al Qur’an disebut Hubb (mahabbah) dan Wudda (mawaddah), keduanya memiliki arti yang sama yaitu menyukai, senang, menyayangi. ...
my aunty is a gift..true!
mmg Allah bg utk kta bkasih syg antara satu sma lain..
but what is couple?
- Two items of the same kind; a pair.
- Something that joins or connects two things together; a link.
- (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
- Two people united, as by betrothal or marriage.
- Two people together.
- Informal. A few; several: a couple of days.
Read more:
ntah yg psti couple adalah diantara perkara yg dilarang Allah..
kan??? need la couple2 ney kay...
kwn jk la..bcoz frenz last forever...
couples dun..
bwt apa kta mw mnta sedekah dosa...sdgkan we can get pahala for free..
k..tats all...
ngntuk oredy..
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Its all about sins~
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Fobia cinta...
Bukan aku x sudi bersama..Cuma diri x sggup terluka..Dulu terlalu percaya..X sangka aku mangsa..FOBIA CINTA~~
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
gossip???? KEEP IT STEADY~