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~Renungan Qeeta~

Friday, July 29, 2011

Jamuan Ambang Ramadhan..



as we all know...
tis monday...we'll be start fasting...
so my class... ( 5 PERDAGANGAN) had organise a feast...juz a small feast actually...juz makan2 n all tat..

we had mee...chocolate..coke...kek lapis..UB [ XD ] ...& many kind of stuff.. =P
but most of all..the best food ive tasted is the kek batik Shamrin's version...
its full of milo..sugary....yum2x!!!
well...i appreciate his effort...he really did try to brng smthng tday..
eventhough its not tat 'jadi'...
but its great for a beginner, u know....
it has its taste n all tat..
ok la tuh..
he's a boy bha...a gud thng la he can make tat kek batik..
=D thanks shamrin!!!

thankz to all in the class..
its a good good goooood tyme!


unfortunately, we dun hve any pics of it..
well...nvermind....we still have it in our minds...
ahahaha~ hope it'll last frever... ^^


tats all...


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Journey for Adventure..


i got sme more pics 4 yall...
i rmmber bout the day when izzy n i went to tiyah's hse...
kmi bwt sleeepppp sna..

jz rght after our Gila2 day with massy...

here..we gne through sme adventure too...
it was thrilling...

jz watch...



i dun hve all those pics la..

but nvermind...

i have some..or maybe jz few or them.. =.=



innocent look... XD

errr...i think its all my pic... =.=

eyh!!! here r we...

tu jak la...
if lbih2 t yall tpikat plak ngan dorg...


Gila2 day..


i hd jz rmmber bout tis photos...

so tday i wanna tell u a story bout my journey in a crazy day..

the actors :


The story begins when we...errrrr......ermmm...


cant remember la plak...

i'll show u sme pics jak la.. =P

see tis?? its pizza bill!!! =D

ney la tukang belanja dya.. =P
finally...massy spend me she promised.... AT LAST!!!!! =D

siap berebut lae..

then we go KBOXCING!!! ahahahaha~

but...tyme d kbox mang xda la gmbr..cmna mw gmbr if gelap..kan??

so...these are some pics we took tat day..
can remember whether these wre took after kbox or b4...hurmmm....





Thats all for tday..
it was a great day,i tell ya..
tankz to MASSY, TIYAH & IZZY!!!!!!!! ^^

tanx for reading! ^^


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A lil thing...


jz a lil thing..

I may look soft...but watch it..
On the outside, I may not be as what I look like...
I might be seen fierce...but be cautious...
On the inside, I may not be as what I look like..


Dedicated by me for me..

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road

Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe"

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on slet your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe-awe-awe

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

Isy isy isy....



me kan...
tadi me bwa Siti Nurhaliza & Britney Spears go to KFC..
for Britney's bday...lae pn,kmi ada voucher kan...
i mean..its juz a plan..for tomorrow...tyme Siti bka posa..

they both ddnt say anythng..


k FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know la who i am..

im very thankful to live in this family though..
as i know bout thngs tat ony mix family knows..n i know how to be thankful...
it taught me hw to lve n strive for the best... balik kpd topik..
bkn la apa bha...but..dorg kan my bezfren..
n bla dorg blnja,dorg insist jua mw dorg jua yg blnja..or insist jua so tat aq ekt..
but now?????

i was jz like a paper la la la~
mae ta nyanyi jap...

do u ever feel like a plastic bag..
drifting through the wind..
wanting to start again..
do u ever feel, feel so paper thin..
like a house of cards..
one blow from caving in..
do u ever feel already buried deep..
6 feet under scream
but no one seems to hear a thing...

tuz aq pn jawab "yes i always feels that way"..

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Result Day!!!!


ary ny ary amik report card... dorg mumy n dady p amik la..

dady fly p cne...then kmi amik dya d airport at about 7.45+++...
then straight p skul...
then d kantin dady mam lae jap..
then masuk dewan amik tndatgn smua guru...
bru arr jmpa ckgu Suhaila...our guru klas..

lawak la smua komen ckgu2...smua tepat!!!!
kena pada sasaran...XD XD XD
kan btul apa aq teka..all ckp psl tdur...
tp smua komen NICE~
bezz la..

then found out,,,,,
know what????

I GOT 1ST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!

isnt it great?????!!!!
must be yall's prayers..

n mostly THANX to Allah...

Friday, July 22, 2011


I could honestly say
You've been on my mind
Since i woke up today (up today)
i look at your photograph
all the time
These memories come back to life
And i dont mind

I remember when we kissed
I still feel it on my lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing
i remember those simple things
I remember till i cry
But the one thing i wish i'd forget
A memory i wanna forget
Is goodbye

I woke up this morning
And played our song
And i know my tears sing along
I picked up the phone and then put it down
Cuz i know im wasting my time
And i dont mind

I remember when we kissed
I still feel it on my lips
The time that you danced with me
With no music playing
I remember those simple things
I remember till i cry
But the one thing i wish i'd forget
A memory i wanna forget

Suddenly my cell phone's glowing up
With your ring tone
I hesitate but answer it anyway
You sound so alone
It does it right to hear you say

Remember when we kissed
You still feel it on our lips
The time that you danced with me
With the no music playing
You remember those simple things
We talked till we cryed
You said that your biggest regret
The one thing you wish i'd forget
Is saying goodbye
Saying goodbye

Miley Cyrus...

~ i didnt wish i it cant be cleared frm my mind..but i ddnt feel a thng bout it anymore... ^^ ~

Taking Result Day~


sok amik report card sua....


im takootttzz!!!

ntah apa la kddukanZ aq...n apaaaaa la ckgu2 will btaw mamy or dady tuh...
msti, confirm, wajib dorg btaw
'syafira neyh...tdur seja keja dya ney d klas...nasib jga dpt kptsan ok...klaw tidak..'
=.= adoiy...
tp bab ckgu sejarah----
'syafira ney..ckp jak byk...tdur jak lbih..tu la dpt kptsan cam ney..nasib sya syg dya'
WAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA!!!!!! pnya perasan...
xpa...x llus pn, syg jua ma ckgu tuh..

kdpatan bha tdur d klas...adoiyai....
ckgu laen no komen...cant imagine what wll they say..

duihhh....hope ill get good result...AMIN~


Monday, July 18, 2011

Now I Know...


no other story cme out frm me except for sad u know...

HE whom i call 'ChipZ' has revealed his true self..

jz tat day, i found out he had kissed smbdy...
well...he's a non-muslim rght? so tat doesnt sound so awkward...

n many2 more thngs laa...

but jz now...
he finally...for the first time, (wow! full spelling!), he was angry at me...
i was jz acting SO ANNOYINGLY ********** ( i dun actually know the word)
so...he got fired up...
it was he tried to make me angry...he jz...kacau2 la..
then i was like a girl whom we'll say "dhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~!!!" when we saw her...

but..its kinda...hurting too... frst i was mad for real la..cause his posting those ergghhh!!! comments on my pic...while tat pic was actually in yana's album...

then i jz...kept on sayin "watever"..i repeated it evytyme he tried to say smthng...
tats when he got mad...

ChipZ : if tis kind of attitude..
i dun even care...

n im here was like, @_@
u know how it is?????
with those shock i had n speechless....

Friday, July 15, 2011

Gosip! Gosip!! Gosip!!!


today me posa..
LAST DAY!!!!!!!

so tamatlah riwayat puasa ganti me..

tinggal lagi puasa nazar...huh~

eppy la..

mggu ney seriously xda concentration..
tadi pagi pn..duih...
x focus in x siap..
ttdur lae.. =.=
gila la cam ney...

wat happen to me??????

aq mw bljr bha..
aq mw capai cita2 aq!! aisey!!!
nty kta crta psl cita2 arr..

skrg mw pkir lu npa aq x focus in class...


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ur A BADBOY!!!!!


bru jak tadi...
aq crta ngan kwn aq pnya 'tuuttt'....

cdey aq..
(aq plak cdey kan? XD XD)

x bha...ny pasal my own bespren bha...2 arr...
smpai aty 'kwn' dya tuh bwt dya g2...
dya ney plak cam sabar jak jua kan..
bagus neyh..tabah! aisey~
aq...mgkin aq x stabah dya...

n pasal tu jua aq nmw involve in bnda2 cam ney...
(walaupun suda TER)

neway..ending dya...dya cakap aq xtaw keadaan dorg yg sebenar...only dorg dua jak yang taw...
duiy...pnya la..
so, aq pn nataw la apa lagi yg aq boleh cakap...
let my fren decide sndri...

aq bkn sgaja mw interfere.. tp aq mw tlg kwn aq...
lgpun, b4 dorg kwn sua suh kwn dya tuh janji kan..
aq suh dya jga kwn aq..
tp tgk la apa jadi...
smpainya hati dya..
cuba dya bayangkan diri dya kna bwt cam tu masa mula2 dya kwn ngan kawan aq tuh...
tah apa dya rasa...bru la dya taw..
bahagianya jua mama kwn aq tuh bla kwn aq tuh kawan ngan kwn dya...
tp smua bagai debu yg terumbang ambing dtiup angin... ( cewahhh! )

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

love! love!! love!!!

Assalamua'laikum... i am again...

as today i cant even focus about a thng..
aq mw crta npa..

well..x arr...
now aq faham (skali lagi) npa couple ny dharamkan...
slamanya aq akan sokong dya haram...(arap2 arr...amin~)

stakat ney...
ada la jua bberapa org yg mw rapat ma aq kan...
tp smua flew away...tggl sorg ney jak lae...LOLIPOP!
XD XD XD ahahahhahahaa~
lawak plak panggilan dya..x ngam2 neyh..ahahaha! bwt lagak besa jak kan...juz being aq jd aq...stu stu dorg go away...
tggl lah stu org ney...
ny juz to test whether they can accept me for who i am or not...
well...the once who flew away...they cant..
its a gud thng...
rght?? cant u see...stakat being frenz jak pn sda x ley trima...apa lae law couple kan??
fuhh!! nasib aq x trima org bwa couple..
lw ada skit2 mw kcundang tuh..slalu lum lae...
arap2 Allah bg kuat lagi smgt aq neyh...amin!!!!!!!!

well...yg stu org neyh..
dya masiy lae kwn ma its a gud thng.. ( stakat ney la )
bla dya still stay put ngan aq syg plak ma dya...
but...ny yg mgundang dosa ney...
bla dya mw knl tu lae...dosa ktuk2 pintu sua..
skrg...dosa tu bkerumun sua d hati aq..
astaghfirullah.....byknya dosa....

My Mistake...

Assalamua'laikum... kan...
aq mw crta ckit...

ary bawa jimat duit la knun ney...( org sua xda duit....msti arr mw jimat2... )
so...bla balik tuh...sua kelam tlupa la plak bekal tuh d laci meja..
so...bila d somewhre suda...bru i said nanti la bwa balik..then asik2 lpa...
smpai la ary neyh...

tah npa aq cam mengelamun td..sjak kbelakangan neyh aq asik mngelamun jak.. i mengelamun...ckgu tgh mgajar ney tyme ny...tuz aq kan tgk lantai..
so ttiba ada bnda bgerak....dkat kaki meja antara meja aq n tiyah..
so aq cm automatically focus ngan benda tu neyh...


i scream n shout~ la la la la la... ( ttiba menyanyi.. =.= )
'tiyah! apa dkt kaki kw!!!'
then its all a chaos..
rpanya..... GIUK! but i dun think korg2 neyh taw apa tu giuk kan...
its...ermmm.....ntah la apa..tu jak nma dya aq tw....yg cacing pendek2 2 arr...yg asal dya dr lalat tuh...yg skrg ley ubat org yg ada kncing manis tuh...( spa tgk majalah3 taw arr )
tnya arr spa2 yg rsanya tw...

eyh!! ow yea...its maggots!!!

YUCK!!!! i could barely see this thing!!!! geli2 badan even tgk gmbr jak pn...EEEEWWWWW~!!!!!!
( tapi yang kmi nmpk tuh kcik arr )

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I aint ladylike...


ney mw crta...

plik tul bla msk teknik 2...
gaya pn matters...

i mean...who cares if im not ladylike...

well...ive 2 bezpwen...

Siti Nurhaliza & Britney Spears

so both of them r SOOOO ladylike..
i mean...dorg femininity arr...
u know..those lmbut...ayu...sopan....n all of tat..
plus,they're pretty,cute n fair.. (ceyh...kembang lah hdung dorg nty law bca...IF~)

they differ from me..
im always be the one who is SOOO brutal...over active..rough..
n all tat kind of stuff...
so yes im not ladylike..

errrrr.... sopan jua not tat femininity as how they are...
more ska tmbuk org...i mean lw cam org 2 kin tmbuk arr bahu dya,..
biasanya llaki la...xkan arr mw tmbuk pmpuan kan...
cz llaki pn salu ganas2 ma aq mw lmbut2 ma dorg...
besides...i hate those touchng...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Konvensyen PUM~


bru intro suda sengih2....
adoiyai...kili..... mw crta...

ary p konvensyen..

date : 2-4 July 2011
ary : sabtu-isnin...
msa : mw jua cbuk...=P sna...kmi dpt blik, i named it ROOM 1008....gerun kan???
mw tw...blik kmi paling hjung...chickendale ok la..smat jua blik 2..
so...dlm room 1008 2, ada 3 blik lg..lucu jon tyme plih blik 2... XD lw engt blk arr...adoiyai...
so...dlm room 1008 2 jua...kmi ada 11 org...drpd 3 skola...
1.SM TANSAU.. [4 org]
2.KOTA MARUDU...(tah pa nama skuwla dorg) [3 org]
3. KMIIII!!! SM TEKNIK LIKAS.. [4 org]

my kwn2...

so..byk la pristiwa ney...
start dr frst day kmi d sna....mcm2 sua jd..


kmi smpai sna....isi nma apa smua..then dpt blik..
so then kmi cm kili la bla smpai blik 2..ahahahaha~ plih blik la lcu..
then kmi baring la..tah apa la kmi bwt...lawat2 lae...adoiy...
then bknln...gila2 ney bha..ahahaha..
then kmi bsiap sap ada mnm ptg n genk boys mw jmpa....
then kmi p mnm la..sadap la jua kuih air dya milo...
pas2 kmi bincang bincang bincang bincang bincang bincang bincang la...
then jalan2 p likas square...amik duit...bli rlod...then p mnum choc shake..smbil 2 kmi bincang bincang bincang bincang bincang bincang bincang lae la.. (msti kmu ttanya2 apa kmi bincang kan?) adoiy..psl presentation kmi la..then apa2 la..
then blk p blik..bsiap..ada taklimat....
tyme on da way mw p dewan 2 kan....jln d rmh2 d likas square 2 plik ckit bha...panjang takut la jua...
so on da way 2 kan...c Along nmpk smthng... XD
dya tgk cermin...then dya tnampak...ada smthg d blkg fatiyah,...x btudung..pdhal kmi smua btdung..adoiyai..tuz along tkut...

the lorong...jalan mw p dewan...taken morning...after sarapan pas senamrobik...

then taklimat...ngn cabut undi..kmi dpt num 9...kningau kmi sesi kdua..(ada 3 sesi)
then mlm 2..kmi sambung bncg d blik...kmi bwa dorg syazwan n zul d blk...tpksa cz gotta bincang...kmi siap mkn2 maggi lae ney bha...aha~ then tyme2 bincang ada smthg beside ttiba jak me mw ttup mata smbil dduk 2 kan...then cm rsa mw tgok knn ttiba jak ttiba me tgk knn n tnmpk smthg..i mean..bkn la nmpk..cma cm limpas smthg gelap cm....adeyh...dya ZUPP g2 jak bha...then ntaw ttiba takut n jump p katil...tuz tiyah pn takut...then...along ttiba ktawa...tiyah tmbh la dya like "knpa kw long?" ahahaha~ then kjadian makin boom! adoiyai..truk tul la mlm 2....
then .....................................................................
its all a secret....

~Greatest Person~